Is Battery Storage Renewable Energy?

Is battery storage renewable energy?

The renewable energy sector has gained significant momentum in pursuing a greener and more sustainable future. However, the intermittent nature of renewable sources like solar and wind poses challenges in meeting continuous energy demand.

This is where battery storage comes in. By efficiently storing surplus power and releasing it during peak periods, this technology can help unlock the full potential of renewable energy.

This article explores the role battery storage plays in the renewable energy sector. From how the technology works to its environmental impacts, everything you need to know is down below.

How Battery Storage Works

Battery storage systems address one of the critical challenges renewable sources face: intermittency. Unlike fossil fuel-based power plants, renewable energy generation depends on natural factors, such as sunlight and wind speed. This variability in energy production can lead to imbalances in the grid, affecting stability and reliability.

Battery storage offers an effective solution to store excess energy generated during periods of high production. This allows providers to release it during low production, ensuring a consistent and reliable energy supply. A study by Felix Keck and his colleagues has even noted that it can lower the LCOE (levelised cost of electricity) and installed capacity by 22% and energy spillage by 76%.

Types of Batteries Used in the Renewable Energy Sector

Several battery chemistries are employed in the renewable energy sector, each with unique characteristics, advantages, and limitations. Some of the prominent types include:

  • Lithium-Ion Batteries. Widely used in various applications, including renewable energy storage, electric vehicles, and mobile electronic devices. They offer high energy density, rapid charging capabilities, and long cycle life. However, high manufacturing costs and potential safety concerns are challenges to address.
  • Lead-Acid Batteries. A mature technology commonly used for off-grid and remote area power systems. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, they are relatively inexpensive. However, they have shorter lifespans and lower energy densities.
  • Flow Batteries. These batteries use liquid electrolytes stored in external tanks, allowing for easy scalability by increasing the electrolyte volume. Flow batteries are known for their long cycle life and high efficiency but have yet to reach cost-competitiveness with other technologies.
  • Vanadium Redox Batteries. A type of flow battery that employs vanadium-based electrolytes. They offer quick response times, high efficiency, and the ability to discharge fully without damaging the battery.
  • Sodium-Sulphur Batteries. Sodium-sulphur batteries are often used in large-scale energy storage applications at high temperatures and provide increased energy density but require careful thermal management.
  • Nickel-Cadmium Batteries. Historically used for renewable energy storage, their popularity has waned due to environmental concerns related to cadmium.

Is Battery Storage Renewable Energy?

Battery storage itself is not a source of renewable energy. Instead, it’s a complementary technology that helps store and manage power from renewable sources like solar and wind. Battery storage enables the effective integration and utilisation of renewable energy, enhancing grid stability and reliability.

Benefits of Battery Storage for Renewable Energy

Battery storage systems offer a wide range of benefits for the renewable energy sector, addressing critical challenges and enhancing renewable energy sources’ overall efficiency and reliability. Here are some key advantages of using battery storage in conjunction with renewable energy:

Smoothing Energy Supply

One of the primary challenges with renewable energy sources like solar and wind is their intermittency. Battery storage systems can store excess energy produced during peak times and release it during periods of low production. This smoothing effect helps maintain a consistent energy supply, reducing the impact of fluctuations on the grid and enhancing grid stability.

Time-Shifting Energy Generation

Battery storage allows for time-shifting of energy generation. Battery systems optimise energy utilisation by storing surplus energy during low demand and releasing it during peak hours. This reduces the need for expensive peaking power plants and grid upgrades.

Grid Integration and Flexibility

Integrating battery storage with renewable energy sources gives grid operators increased flexibility and control. Battery systems can respond rapidly to fluctuations in demand and supply, supporting grid balancing and mitigating the challenges of integrating variable renewable energy into the grid. For example, the UK government estimates in a report that it can help their country save up to £40 billion ($48 billion) by 2050, reducing people’s energy bills.

Peak Load Management

Battery storage can help manage peak loads, which occur during periods of high energy demand. By discharging stored energy during peak times, battery systems can alleviate stress on the grid and reduce the reliance on fossil fuel-based peaking plants, resulting in cost savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Resilience and Grid Reliability

Battery storage enhances grid resilience and reliability by providing backup power during outages or blackouts. Combined with renewable energy sources, it can power critical infrastructure, emergency services, and essential facilities, ensuring continuity during disruptions.

Off-Grid and Remote Area Power Supply

Renewable energy sources and battery storage offer a reliable and sustainable power supply solution for off-grid and remote areas. These systems can provide electricity in areas where traditional grid infrastructure is impractical or costly to implement.

Reducing Curtailment of Renewable Energy

In regions with abundant renewable energy generation, curtailment-wasting excess energy due to lack of demand or grid constraints-can be a concern. Battery storage can store extra renewable energy, preventing curtailment and maximising the utilisation of clean energy resources.

Promoting Electric Vehicle (EV) Integration

Battery storage can facilitate the integration of electric vehicles into the energy ecosystem. It enables EV charging infrastructure to balance energy demand, optimise charging times, and potentially utilise EV batteries to supply power back to the grid when needed.

Environmental Benefits

Through investment in the efficiency and stability of renewable energy, battery storage reduces greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels, promoting a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Challenges of Battery Storage for Renewable Energy

While battery storage systems offer numerous benefits to the renewable energy sector, they also face challenges that limit their potential and widespread adoption. Some of the key challenges are as follows:

High Capital Costs

Battery storage systems often require substantial upfront investments. The price of batteries, battery management systems, inverters, and other components can be a significant barrier, especially for large-scale energy storage projects. Reducing the capital costs of battery storage remains a priority for industry stakeholders.

Limited Energy Storage Capacity and Duration

The energy storage capacity of batteries is still relatively limited compared to traditional fossil fuel-based power plants. The challenge lies in storing vast amounts of energy to address extended periods of low renewable energy generation or adverse weather conditions.

Environmental Impact

The production and disposal of batteries can have environmental implications. Mining and processing raw materials, such as lithium and cobalt, can lead to ecological and social concerns in the regions where these resources come from. Proper recycling and responsible disposal of batteries are essential to mitigate their environmental impact.

Technical Issues and Safety Concerns

Battery storage systems require careful monitoring and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and safety. Issues like thermal runaway, short circuits, and cell degradation must be effectively managed to prevent accidents and maximise battery lifespan.

Grid Integration and Regulatory Barriers

Integrating battery storage into existing grid infrastructure can be challenging due to technical compatibility and regulatory hurdles. Grid codes and market rules may need to be updated to accommodate battery storage systems’ unique characteristics and capabilities.

Cycling and Degradation

Regular charge and discharge cycles can lead to battery degradation over time, reducing the storage capacity and efficiency of the batteries. Improving battery chemistries and developing advanced battery management systems can help mitigate this issue.

Ramp Rates and Response Time

Battery storage systems must respond rapidly to changes in renewable energy generation or grid demand. Ensuring adequate ramp rates and response times is crucial for maintaining grid stability and reliability.

Resource Availability

Geopolitical factors or supply chain disruptions can affect the availability of certain critical materials used in battery manufacturing, such as lithium and cobalt. Diversifying the sources of these materials and exploring alternative chemistries can enhance supply chain resilience.

Lifespan and End-of-Life Management

Battery lifespan varies based on usage patterns and technologies. Ensuring a longer lifespan and proper end-of-life management, including recycling and disposal, are essential to minimise waste and environmental impact.

Environmental Impact of Battery Storage

While battery storage is a valuable technology for enhancing renewable energy integration, it’s essential to consider its environmental impact throughout its lifecycle. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Raw Material Extraction

Battery production relies on extracting raw materials such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese. Mining these resources can lead to habitat destruction, water pollution, and other environmental issues, particularly in regions with lax environmental regulations.

Energy Intensive Manufacturing

Battery production involves energy-intensive processes, which can result in significant greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing the carbon footprint of battery manufacturing is crucial to ensure the overall environmental benefits of renewable energy and battery storage.

Land Use

Large-scale battery storage projects require a significant land area for installation. Clearing land for battery farms can impact ecosystems and biodiversity. Strategic planning and site selection are essential to minimise these adverse effects.

Battery End-of-Life

Proper recycling and disposal of batteries are essential to prevent hazardous substances from entering the environment. Inadequate recycling processes can result in toxic elements leaching into soil and water, posing environmental and health risks.

Supply Chain Sustainability

The supply chain for battery materials is complex and global, making it susceptible to human rights abuses, child labour, and other ethical concerns. Ensuring responsible sourcing practices is vital to address these issues.

Second-Life Applications

Exploring second-life applications for batteries, such as repurposing them for stationary storage after their use in electric vehicles, can extend their useful lifespan and reduce the demand for new batteries.

Recycling Technologies

Advancing recycling technologies can help recover valuable materials from used batteries and minimise the need for new raw materials, reducing the environmental impact of battery production.

Energy Efficiency

Improving the energy efficiency of battery storage systems can reduce their overall environmental impact, as more efficient batteries require fewer resources and energy during their lifecycle.

Is Battery Storage Environmentally Friendly?

Battery storage has both positive and negative effects on the environment. While it helps integrate renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, its production involves raw material extraction and energy-intensive processes. However, you can improve its overall environmental friendliness through sustainable practices like recycling and responsible end-of-life management.


Battery storage systems have the potential to revolutionise the way we generate, store, and distribute clean energy. By understanding the benefits, challenges, and environmental impacts it poses in the renewable energy sector, we can build a better and more sustainable future.

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